
Selection from premiers

The Chattertooth Eleven

Eduard Bass

“Once upon a time there was a poor peasant named Chattertooth, and he had eleven sons. In his poverty he did not know what to do with them and so he had made them a football team.” more

Crutches and knives

Anita Augustin

Psychedelic road story of forever young old ladies. This dynamic grotesque, which has been dramatised by the author of the novel, presents four charming elderly ladies who are facing jail. more

The mousetrap

Agatha Christie

The venue is the guesthouse Monskwell Manor near London. We can hear children's song Three Blind Mice and then a woman's scream announcing that a murder was comitted. more

Too Expensive Poison

Lucy Prebble

Is it possible to see justice? Perhaps even in such a grotesque cabaret of contemporary evil it is mission impossible. more

Radúz and Mahulena

Julius Zeyer / Josef Suk

The famous poetic fairy-tale drama by the Czech author and playwright Julius Zeyer from 1896 had its premiere staging in the National Theatre in Prague just two years after its publishing. Since then it has become a stable piece regularly acted at various scenes across the country. more


Stephen Jeffreys

“You will not like me. No, really, you will not. Gentlemen will envy me and ladies will be appalled.” The sarcastic historical play from the Enlightenment era tells the story of John Wilmont, known as the Earl of Rochester, a cunning and talented rascal who had lived his short and wild life as a medieval rock star. more

Selection from repertoir

About us

The drama company is the longest-running company within the DJKT’s four-company theatre community and has always been pivotal to the Pilsen drama scene. Throughout its existence, a large number of acting and directing personalities passed through, significantly influencing the development of the entire Czech theatre culture. It is often said that Pilsen, after Prague, is the second most important Czech theatre scene, especially in the area of drama.

The current drama company, since 2019 under the artistic direction of the company member, Apolena Veldová, continues to develop. It keeps the broad spectrum of the repertory while placing emphasis on its ambitious and educative impact, not only on the fun factor. It strives to develop the audience's ability to perceive various staging methods and forms – by consciously working with their audiences in developing production plans. In addition, the topicality of the portrayed themes and the socio-political and social impact of the presented plays are absolutely essential for the contemporary drama production plan. We want the Pilsen drama not only to entertain its audience, but to make them think together – through theatre production – about the current world and our shared life in it. That's why we want to bring to the stage precisely those topics that we believe can affect us all and can be absolutely essential for our direction in life. Therefore, we are not interested only in a high-quality artistic or theatrical form, but to no less extent in its impact on society as a whole. By sharing it together; especially on the Author – Director – Performer – Spectator line.


The drama company also loves to prepare numerous special projects, such as stage readings or other specialized evenings, including one-off events. For the drama company, these activities are a regular part of their work and they support the said search for social contexts through theatre production. The DJKT’s drama company also organizes personal meetings with its audience in the pre-premiere series, Meeting with Drama, or the traditional literary competition, The Literary Café. The members of the drama company also train a new generation of actors in the Theatre Drama Workshop (TDW). Its members are also cast in our productions.
