
Selection from premiers


Antonín Dvořák

After the success of the fairy-tale opera Rusalka, Antonín Dvořák was looking for another opera libretto that he could compose music for. more

Quo vadis

Sylvie Bodorová

In the theatre season 2021/2022 the opera ensemble of DJKT in Pilsen will present a world premiere of Quo vadis by the Czech composer Sylvie Bodorová, which she had written directly for the Pilsen opera house. more


Giuseppe Verdi

When Verdi experienced booing during the performance of his comical opera King for a Day, he decided to never write an opera again. more


Leonard Bernstein

The famous American composer, conductor, and an avid promoter of music Leonard Bernstein is also the author of one opera and several musicals, of which the West Side Story, staged in Pilsen for the first time in May 2017, belongs to the best that has ever been created in this genre. more

Selection from repertoir

About us

In the opera programme of recent seasons, we can find several dramaturgical lines that can blend together. It is primarily the line of opera evergreens, which were or are represented by titles such as Eugene Onegin, Madama Butterfly, Rusalka, Nabucco and Carmen. Then there is the line of neglected works of the romantic repertory – Macbeth, Hamlet, The Bride of Messina, Iris and The Cunning Peasant, in which we could also highlight the presentation of the unfairly neglected Czech opera The Bride of Messina and The Cunning Peasant. The third line includes works from the pre-romantic repertory, which are usually not found in the regular repertory of domestic opera venues, such as Cherubini’s Medea, Monteverdi's operas Orfeo and The Coronation of Poppea and Mozart's Idomeneo, rarely performed in our country. Another line is the production of contemporary opera, which is not manifested in the presentation of successful operas by international authors, but of works of our contemporary composers. These include Kubička's Jakub Jan Ryba and Jirásek's Beetles or Bodorová's Quo Vadis. Last but not least, this includes the presentation of classic operettas - The Bat or the immortal Merry Widow. The opera company also focuses on the youngest audience, seeing it as the future spectator base. At the Black Box, they prepared and performed for them: Puss in Boots, Papageno in the Enchanted Forest, About Rusalka, The Bartered Bride and The Chattering Slug.

In addition to opera productions, the opera company also presents a number of different concerts and popular Sunday Matinées in the Vendelín Budil Foyer of the Grand Theatre and regularly ends the season with a spectacular open-air Night with the Opera at the Lochotín Amphitheatre. The opera company also tours around the Czech Republic and abroad and participates in the most prestigious opera festivals.
