Křemílek and Vochomůrka

Václav Čtvrtek

Václav Čtvrtek

Křemílek and Vochomůrka

The pre-Christmas time in the DJKT drama will be traditionally dedicated to both small and big children and fairy tales.

After two classic Czech fairy tales based on the themes by Josef Čapek (Talking About A Dog And A Cat) and František Hrubín (1 x 6 Fairy Tales), although each of them is produced in a completely different form, this season we are returning to the world of bedtime stories - a theatre production of books by Václav Čtvrtek Fairy Tales From The Stump Cottage Of Křemílek And Vochomůrka. And you will meet not only the cute gnomes Křemílek and Vochomůrka, but also Sluníček, Vodénka, Svatojánek and other fairy-tale characters.     

scene The Small Stage
opening night 5. 9. 2021
length of performance 60 min
recommended age children's performance


Adapted and Directed by:
Vladimír Čepek
Script Editor:
Klára Špičková
Stage Design and Costumes:
Petra Krčmářová
Hudební duo MíZa
Petr Kotora
Stage manager:
Aneta Waldsteinová

Prersons and actors

Martin Zahálka ml.
Karel Vondrášek
Kukačka, Vodénka, Čmelák, Panenka:
Jana Ondrušková
Kočka Týna, Rak, Svatojánek:
Nicole Tisotová

The visual was created in collaboration with the Faculty of Design and Art of Ladislav Sutnar University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, illustration by Tereza Přibilíková.

Title partners
