Radúz and Mahulena

Julius Zeyer / Josef Suk

Julius Zeyer / Josef Suk

Radúz and Mahulena

The famous poetic fairy-tale drama by the Czech author and playwright Julius Zeyer from 1896 had its premiere staging in the National Theatre in Prague just two years after its publishing. Since then it has become a stable piece regularly acted at various scenes across the country.

The love story of two young people from warring families is deeply rooted in Slovak folk tales. The cruelty and brutality that comes with this piece reminds of the Brothers Grimm tales, while some elements of the story reflect Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. However, the underlying theme is much older and globally widespread… Julius Zeyer had breathed such beautiful poetic values into this work, that no one else than a Czech theatregoer could understand Radúz and Mahulena better.

In the Pilsen theatre this will be an exceptional project with an equal cooperation of the acting ensemble with the DJKT Opera Orchestra. The director is Štěpán Pácl, who comes from the National Theatre in Brno, and music will be directed and conducted by Jiří Petrdlík, art director of the DJKT Opera. The musical component of the staging, which will be much more than just an accompaniment, in fact it will become absolutely essential, is based on the works of Josef Suk, who had set Zeyer’s story into music. And as Antonín Dvořák once said about this piece: “That music comes right from heaven.”

scene The Grand Theatre
opening night 25. 3. 2023
length of performance 180 min
recommended age from 14 years old


Directed by:
Štěpán Pácl
Musical arrangement:
Jiří Petrdlík
Jiří Petrdlík / Jiří Štrunc
Script Editor:
Johana Němcová
Stage Design:
Dragan Stojčevski
Linda Boráros
Jakub Zicha
Musical preparation:
Martin Marek, Maxim Averkiev
Language cooperation:
Eva Spoustová
Expert advisor:
Věra Šustíková
Light Design:
Jakub Sloup
Assistant director:
Vít Kořínek
Stage manager:
Veronika Brankov
David Kubát

Prersons and actors

Andrea Mohylová
Matyáš Darnady
Eliška Vocelová
Runa, matka Mahuleny:
Apolena Veldová
Stojmír, král tatranský a otec Mahuleny:
Martin Stránský
Prija, sestra Mahuleny:
Jana Ondrušková
Živa, sestra Mahuleny:
Denisa Cupáková
Královna Nyola, Radúzova matka:
Andrea Mohylová
Radovid, starý sluha Radúzův:
Pavel Pavlovský
Vratko, dřevorubař:
Jan Maléř
Přibina, důvěrník Stojmírův:
Josef Nechutný
Ženy z Magury:
Jana Ondrušková, Denisa Cupáková, Ivana Klimentová / Radka Sehnoutková
Muži z Magury:
Josef Nechutný, Jan Maléř, Jan Tejkal / Jakub Turek
Mahulena (zpěv):
Ivana Klimentová / Radka Sehnoutková
Vratko (zpěv):
Jan Tejkal / Jakub Turek
Orchestr opery DJKT
Koncertní mistři (Prolog – houslové sólo):
Martin Kos / Radovan Šandera / Jaroslav Brož
Koncertní mistři:
Hana Vítková / Zachar Fedorov
Sbor opery DJKT:
