The taming of the shrew

Jan Kučera

Jan Kučera

The taming of the shrew

'Who better recipe knows how to tame a shrew, they should tell me! I'd be grateful.'

This is how Petruccio announces his original plan for how to gain devotion and love of the unmanageable Katherine. The Taming of a Shrew choreographed and directed by Alena Pešková and the young composer Jan Kučera is an original ballet interpretation. The new Czech premiere has all the humorous symbols of Shakespearean comedy, and the poignancy of wit of the dance numbers keeps up with the lyrics of the great playwright.

scene The Grand Theatre
opening night 17. 11. 2018
length of performance 120 min
recommended age from 10 years old


Libretto, Direction and Choreography:
Alena Pešková
Music and musical study:
Jan Kučera
Jan Kučera, Jiří Petrdlík
Stage Design:
Richard Pešek jr.
Aleš Valášek
Assistant Choreographer:
Zuzana Hradilová
Assistant director:
Miroslav Hradil
Stage manager:
Petr Šmaus
  • Tobacco products are used in the production.
