

Georges Bizet

Bizet’s Carmen belongs to the greatest repertoire keepers of opera theatres. The libretto was written by an experienced duo of H. Meilhac and L. Halévy upon Prosper Mérimée’s novel that was based on a true story. more

Cutting it short

Bohumil Hrabal

‘That Francin is a ball of nerves, he should, according to Mr Batista's file, wash his genitals with lukewarm water.’ more


Bedřich Smetana

Oblíbená Smetanova opera Dalibor vznikla po Braniborech v Čechách a Prodané nevěstě. Autoři líčí v idealizované podobě příběh z historických kronik o rytíři Daliboru z Kozojed, který byl nespravedlivě odsouzen a uvězněn ve věži na Pražském hradě, později po něm nazývané Daliborka. more

Lindauer? Pākehā!

Renata Putzlacher

An Unusual Story, Or From Pilsen To The End Of The World! more

My Fair Lady

Alan Jay Lerner / Frederick Loewe

Based on Pygmalion, a play by George Bernard Shaw and film by Gabriel Pascal Legendary musical back on DJKT stage more

Sleeping beauty

P. I. Čajkovskij

Spanish fly

Franz Arnold / Ernst Bach

A less known but excellent comedy from the higher society of early 20th century targeting the middle-class morale issues will be the last drama premiere of season 2019/2020. more

Swan Lake

Petr Iljič Čajkovskij

If ballet has a notorious title in general awareness, it is undoubtedly Swan Lake by PI Tchaikovsky. more

The bartered bride

Bedřich Smetana

Since the first production in Pilsen in 1869, The Bartered Bride has never disappeared for a longer period of time from the opera repertoire and is therefore very well known to our audience. Generations of Pilsen opera singers have matured in the roles in this opera. more

The Bat

Johann Strauss

Many classical operettas have beautiful music, but the plot is too naive for today's viewer. more

The merry widow

Franz Lehár

The Merry Widow was the first Lehár’s global success. Without exaggeration, it can be said that every music number in this operetta is a little musical jewel. more

The mousetrap

Agatha Christie

The venue is the guesthouse Monskwell Manor near London. We can hear children's song Three Blind Mice and then a woman's scream announcing that a murder was comitted. more
